Harvesting Squash _2024
It’s time to harvest the squash and get some of the cleaning in the garden done before it gets cold. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…
Continue ReadingGardening, Bike riding, Health, Whole-food, Just enjoying life at 70 +
It’s time to harvest the squash and get some of the cleaning in the garden done before it gets cold. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…
Continue ReadingWelcome to my channel! I did not work in the garden this week because the weather was wet and cold most of the week, however next week I plan to make some for the new changes in the garden. I hope you enjoy coming along with me and see the new changes. Azure Standard:…
Continue ReadingWhen I was doing my reach on grains, I found out that Einkorn whole wheat grain have more nutrients in them than commercial grains. I tried soft white wheat, but it gave me a lot of gas so I’m staying with the ancient grains. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=… RYZE Mushroom coffee Referral link: https://39ryze.refr.cc/pamelaricharson
Continue ReadingI wanted to share some of the health benefits of grinding wheat berries and eating real bread. I Think a lot of people are getting ill because of the so call food we eat and not getting the fiber, vitamins and mineral we need for out body to function. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…
Continue ReadingThis week has been so cold and rainy I have not been in the garden much. I have only gone out to get something for dinner. I want the thank all my new and old subscribers it means a lot to me. Thanks again. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…
Continue ReadingHarvesting the last of my backyard garden, fall is here and it is getting cold down to the 40’s at night. I have been eating out of my garden all summer and I thought it would be great just to eat from my food storage for the next 3 to 4 months. Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…
Continue ReadingWe have not gotten much rain but this week we got some rain and the temp was much cooler, I also harvest some of my broccoli leaves because they were covering my beets. The green were very good and good for you. Music: Rain Drops By: Track Tribe Azure Stanard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=..
Continue ReadingThe is so many wild edibles growing all around up we just have to learn what they are. We all know what dandelions are. Thay are good for you , I Think it’s more nutritious the greens you buy in the store. I wanted to share one way I eat dandelions greens. Azure Stanard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=..
Continue ReadingI have been working on the backyard garden for a few weeks, It’s getting close to planning time and the weather have slowed me down it’s been too hot or too cold to work outside. I have been doing a lot in the kitchen and I wanted to show you how I make my Teff…
Continue ReadingI have been trying to get my acid reflux under control and everyone was telling me to take apple cider vinegar before I eat and this would help This didn’t work for me because my stomach was so irritated the vinegar made it worse, I am eating alkaline foods and I have been feeling much…
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