Spring Gardening Is Slow Going_ Green House

The current weather is not ideal for gardening; it has rained a lot, leaving the yard drenched before it became cold. I was waiting for spring, and now I’m anticipating summer.

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Spring Garding in Zone 5b

I have been getting the garden together this year very slow. There is a lot I want to do, and it has just been too cold or raining. I’m one year older and a little slower. ? on the upside I’m happy with the progress I have made.

Music: Feel_Nice – YouTube Music

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Spring Garden Work In Progress

I have been working on some upgrades in the garden this spring there have been ups and downs. I bought some new beds that stressed me out trying to put them together I had to call in reinforcement, it’s been fun the weather has slow thing up. however, This is going to be a good season. Peace and Love


Music: Everything By: J.Ivy

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No Work In The Garden

Welcome to my channel! I did not work in the garden this week because the weather was wet and cold most of the week, however next week I plan to make some for the new changes in the garden. I hope you enjoy coming along with me and see the new changes.


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Changes In The Garden

The 2024 garden season is started and this year I want to make changes in the garden. I have been thinking about this for a couple of months and it’s time to get started, I hope you enjoy coming along with me and see the new changes.

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Is Ultra Processed Food Making Us Sick

I have been watching a lot of videos and hearing different pod cast. with different doctors talking about the different studied and how ultra processed foods is making people sick. I think everyone should do their research and tell everyone you know to do the same.

The Shocking Truth About The Obesity Crisis, Ozempic, ADHD & Food Industry Lies | Calley Means:
Mark Hyman, MD

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Some Of The Health Benefits Of Wheat Berries

I wanted to share some of the health benefits of grinding wheat berries and eating real bread. I
Think a lot of people are getting ill because of the so call food we eat and not getting the fiber, vitamins and mineral we need for out body to function.

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