June Backyard Garden_2023

We have not gotten much rain but this week we got some rain and the temp was much cooler, I also harvest some of my broccoli leaves because they were covering my beets. The green were very good and good for you. Music: Rain Drops By: Track Tribe Azure Stanard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=..

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One Way I Eat Dandelion Greens

The is so many wild edibles growing all around up we just have to learn what they are. We all know what dandelions are. Thay are good for you , I Think it’s more nutritious the greens you buy in the store. I wanted to share one way I eat dandelions greens. Azure Stanard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=..

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Garden work update#2

I have been working on a section of my garden for two weeks and I have just completed it and I wanted to share it with you and talk a little about Rhubarb. thanks for watching, have a great day. Azure Stanard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=… Support My Channel Here: My Garden Planner Journal and Logbook https://amzn.to/3su2gTz

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