We have had lots of snow, It’s starting to melt and the trees are budding, Spring is in the air and I am ready to get out in the garden and go for long bike rides. I hope you enjoy the video and leave a comment.
As I get older I notice my legs getting weak and after a long winter it was hard to get back out riding my bike, I know I had to do something to keep my leg strength over the winter and this is one of the tips I wanted to share, It works. We have to keep our bodies moving!
I have been loving the sunflower microgreens. I try to eat them several times a week and they store very well. The sunflower microgreens have become a favorite of mine.
Sunflower microgreens are one of my favorites, and unlike the green peas batch, these did well with a little additional care in cleaning the roots on a regular basis. After the rinsing, spritz them with peroxide water to ensure healthy growth. It was delicious! But it’s so costly. I’ll hunt for a cheaper place to get them.
In less than a week, the seeds germinate and grow. I’m attempting to get all of my seeds from this source because they germinate quickly. I garden in the Midwest, where it’s hot, and I planted these in the ground in 6 days. I gave some to my son, who grew them in pots and succeeded as well. They do have a sunflower seed flavor to them.
I sprouted some of the sunflower seeds that I grow, I put some in a jar and some in a tray with coconut core to see what way I like the best and I think the tray is going to win. I also got some new seeds for my backyard garden.
Garden planner–Amazon by GBN Publishing
I sprout a lot in the winter so I will have fresh greens. Also, I like heating with a wood stove and saving gas by cooking on the woodstove when I have a fire going. I cooked butternut squash and red lentil soup over white rice.
Walking outside barefoot is a great way to ground yourself, But when there is snow on the ground and it’s very cold how do you get grounded. In this video, I show you how I get grounded.
I was looking for something to do with the seeds in my squash because I didn’t want to put them in the compost bend. I ran across someone making squash milk and I thought I would give it a try and it turned out great.