Getting the garden ready to plan. I place straw on the bed in the fall and it started growing. I want to do the no-dig method but I had to pull all the growing straw out of the beds. If you have any information about this please let me know.
I was so surprised when I went out to the greenhouse and there were still greens growing. It’s time for me to start working in the garden and that makes me happy.
After doing the show it was such a nice day I decided to make a snowman. I have so much fun. The next day I did the last harvest from the greenhouse I made it to February.
We are in the middle of winter and I like to have fresh green in my diet and lots of the greens in the stores are old, So I grow sprouts in my basement so I will have fresh greens all winter. I wanted to show others how I do it.
This is the first year I have had a greenhouse and it has been some challenges, It is not complete and I did not know when to put the second layer of cover over the plants. After I covered them with a second layer everything started to look better however, I still have something eating the leaves.
I was out picking greens for my garden for dinner and was thinking about how good green are good for you. I’m starting a detox to help keep my immune system up. I thought I would share it with you and find out if anyone had done any detox and if so what you had done.
I wanted to give a quick update of what has been going on in my backyard garden, I have gotten my garden ready for the winter rest and it will be ready for spring. The plants in the little greenhouse are doing well.
I have been very busy putting up food for the winter and getting the garden ready for the winter. I wanted to give you an update. I hope you enjoy the video.