Free Mulch/ Riding A Lawnmower

We are so glad we could get free mulch to go in some of the low spots in our yard. It was a lot of hard work for two seniors but over two days we did it. And to get a riding lawnmower to cut the grass was a game-changer. This has been a very productive two weeks. The yard is a work in progress and we are taking it one day at a time. Peace & Love


Backyard Garden Update #4

We have been working hard in the backyard garden, however, the mud and cold have slow us up some. I just want to make a short video the lets you see the changes. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment. Thanks and be safe.


Backyard Garden Update #3

The weather has slowed my progress down in my backyard garden, But I am pleased with what we have gotten done. I hope to be planting some cold weather crops next week. It has been so much fun to get out and get dirty.


Foraging for Wild Grapes

Mr. G. told me that his father make wine when he was little out of wild grapes, I thought I would like to make a wild grape spread. He went bike riding with me and seen so grapes on the bike path, we picked some and I made a little grape spread and it was amazing, I wanted to share with you what I did.
