Backyard Garden Update_March 2019

I want to give everyone an update on my backyard garden and the plants I started in the house. This winter has been so cold and I will be glad when spring starts.

Music: Groove (Youtube Audio Library )


Seed Starting…Backyard Garden

It was a wind chill of -50 last week and 50 degrees this week strange weather. I started some seeds in my basement to get a jump on things, I hope to get some cold wheater plants out next month. and if anyone knows what is growing in my beds please let me know.


Trying Restore To Restore My Gut..Microbiome

I have been having pain in my stomach and doing research on GMO’s I ran across Dr. Zach Bush and he has lots of videos about the microbiome + and what effects glyphosate have on the microbiome. He has a product that restores the communication in the microbiome. I thought I would give it a try. Please leave a comment and subscribe. Peace & Love

Please watch:
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Bush on Soil Microbes…


Backyard Garden Seed Haul

I have been thinking about what I will be doing in the garden this year and I wanted to show you some seed I got from MIgardener. Please leave a comment, subscribe and give me a thumbs up.

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It’s The Small Things That Make You Happy

Sometimes I feel as if I should stop making videos because I have very few subscribers and a small about of views, I feel like no one is getting the message I put out. But today I went to Whole Food and was doing my shopping and a Young Lady walked by and said “I know you I look at your videos” I thanked her and she said I’m trying to eat right. This made me feel so good, If I just reach one person it’s worth my time an effort I put in makeing videos. It’s the small things in life that make you happy and a lot of the time it come from someone you have never met. Peace and Love
