Seed Starting…Backyard Garden

It was a wind chill of -50 last week and 50 degrees this week strange weather. I started some seeds in my basement to get a jump on things, I hope to get some cold wheater plants out next month. and if anyone knows what is growing in my beds please let me know.


Trying Restore To Restore My Gut..Microbiome

I have been having pain in my stomach and doing research on GMO’s I ran across Dr. Zach Bush and he has lots of videos about the microbiome + and what effects glyphosate have on the microbiome. He has a product that restores the communication in the microbiome. I thought I would give it a try. Please leave a comment and subscribe. Peace & Love

Please watch:
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Bush on Soil Microbes…


Backyard Garden Seed Haul

I have been thinking about what I will be doing in the garden this year and I wanted to show you some seed I got from MIgardener. Please leave a comment, subscribe and give me a thumbs up.

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It’s The Small Things That Make You Happy

Sometimes I feel as if I should stop making videos because I have very few subscribers and a small about of views, I feel like no one is getting the message I put out. But today I went to Whole Food and was doing my shopping and a Young Lady walked by and said “I know you I look at your videos” I thanked her and she said I’m trying to eat right. This made me feel so good, If I just reach one person it’s worth my time an effort I put in makeing videos. It’s the small things in life that make you happy and a lot of the time it come from someone you have never met. Peace and Love


Goals For 2019…

The weather here has been very mild for this time of the year. It was 52 here in January. Mr. G. and I got a 20-mile bike ride in. I also wanted to share my goals for 2019 with you. I hope everyone make this the best year ever.
