Sweet Potato Harvest…Zone 5

I never planted sweet potatoes before and I wanted to know if I could grow them in Zone 5. I got four plants and planted them. Today I harvested the sweet potatoes and I was very pleased to know I can grow sweet potatoes in my backyard garden.



Butterfly Pea Tea…Plant Power

I heard about Butterfly Pea Tea in a video, I looked it up and found out it has a lot of good health benefits and I love the color. If you are a tea lover check it out and let me know what you think about it.

Nicole=Adventures w/ Jake & Nicole



Impossible Slider At White Castle…Plant Based

I had been hearing a lot about the Impossible Slider at White Castle, Today we are going to check it out. My partner is a meat eater and I want to know what he thinks about it. We did not know they had two plant-based burgers and we ask for a veggie burger and that is what we got and did not like it very much it was too salty and the texture was very soft. However, we both like the impossible burger. This is not a healthy burger and I would get it if I could not get anything else.
