The 5 Tibetan Rites…Keep Your Body Moving

I had not done the 5 Rites in years and was surprised that I could do 21 of each and felt great after. It is important for everyone to exercise no matter what your age and the 5 Rites is a great daily practice. Our bodies are made to move.


The Tea Spot

I like drinking herbal teas, Most days you will see me sipping on a cup of hot tea. My son told me about an online tea shop and I thought I would share it with you.


When Is The Right Time To Do Things ?

I wanted to get out and start working in my garden but we got snow today so I think it will be a little longer, It started me to think about when is the right time to do anything. I have heard people say ” It’s not the right time to have a child” “I will start a vegan diet next month” “I will take a trip next year”  It’s not the right time. I have not had a garden for years thinking I needed to have more land and  then I will have a garden. One day it came to me, Make do with what ever you have and be gratful. We made rasied beds in my back yard and I have found out I can grow a lot of food in a small space. I have  also found out that no time is the right time just go for what every is in your heart and everything will  work out if you put the work in. The right  time is the time you do it. Peace & Love



Why I Walk 10,000 Steps A Day

Our bodies are made to move, the world is changing so fast and things are getting so convenient that we don’t have to move very much to get throughout daily life. When the car was invented and got affordable for most family’s a lot of our physical activities stopped. We drive our cars everywhere and that stopped us from doing a lot of walking, Now with the computer age we set at work and play, Everything is changing but our bodies have stayed the same. Our bodies are made to move and if you want to be active you have to exercise to keep your muscle strong.
