Making Our First Raised Bed…Shou Sugi Ban

I have started making changes in my yard where I can grow a lot of food. My garden has not been doing well because the soil is clay. So I’m going to make raised bed and this was our first time making on and we learned a lot and had fun doing it.


My Yard Before The Big Changes

One thing I enjoy doing that is working in my yard, I have a garden that have not been doing will, One reason is because we go away for the winter in the RV and when we get back the weeds have taken over my yard, However this winter we stayed home so I can get a early start on my yard and after seeing Jake Mace’s video of his garden in AZ. I’m going to make some raised bed and change my back yard in to a vegetable garden.


Is There S_it In Our Food ?

With the new year starting I was thinking about what’s in out food and do people know what they are eating and is it making them sick. so. I thought I would put the question out there and ask. because I see a lot of sick people and the food they are eating is not very healthy. My hopes are for people to educate them self’s on what is in out food and how animals are being treated and what damage is being done to the earth. ” When you know better you will do better”–Maya Angelou

What’s REALLY In Your Food and Why You Should Go Vegan (WARNING Graphic!)… Bite Size Vegan


Snow On My Birthday…Out the RV

We did no go away in the RV this winter. And it was great to be home for my birthday and hang out with family and friends we had so much fun. We also had the first winter snow on my birthday. I did not know how much I missed the snow.  It was beautiful.

Click here: Amazon – Lady P’s Place


At The Gym …Vegan

It has gotten too cold to ride my bike so I have been going to the gym to keep my muscles strong when you get older it dose not take long for you to lose musces mask and It is so important to stay strong when you are older.

