Boys Day’s Out…In the RV

Lacy spent the day off roading with the guys and I had a great day to myself (NO TV :). The next day he went to a car show I ask him only one thing, Take a photo of himself in front of a car. HE DID NOT.


Birds of Raptors…In the RV

We really enjoyed the raptor lecture, I learned things that I did not know about raptor – Birds of Prey, one thing that surprised me was it is illegal to have one of the birds feathers because it’s no way of knowing how you obtained it so it was made illegal to have one. I hope you enjoy the video and give me a thumbs up or like, Subscribe to keep up with our adventure. Peace and Love.


Day trip in New Mexico…in the RV

We had a great time at City of Rock , I would love to go camping there in the rocks one day it’s just $10.00 a night. It was great getting out and walking in nature and seeing all the wildlife , My highlight for the day was the Horned Lizard, we seen a rabbit but he was hiding in the bushes.
Silver City is a college town and I love it everyone we met was very nice. The lunch we had was great. And I got some organic vegetables at the Co-Op .We had a fun day.
