On the Road in the RV _Vicksburg Ms.

It was getting cold in Tunica so we left earlier than we had plan, We headed out about 7:30 am in the rain and it rained most of the way to Vicksburg. We took RT 61 south, It cut the trip about 45 miles. We got to the Ameristar Casino RV park in Vicksburg and parked the coach and went to Jackson Ms. and made it back before dark, The next day we went touring Vicksburg it is a nice town lots of History. We boomdocked that night and headed west the next morning, I love boomdocking the night before leaving because everything is ready to hit the road when you get up. The trip to Texas was great.


On The Road in the RV_Tunica Ms.

We have been in Tunica Ms. for five days. It’s time to move on down the road. I got everything in place in the RV and got some well needed rest. We went to the Fitzgerald Casino to the buffet and it was great the salad bar was amazing everything was so fresh, and the best part it was just $7.00 a person. The river walk was closed , Maybe next time? One thing I love about the RV is you can stay as long or short a time as you want. I got to boomdock in the Sams Town parking lot Nice staying overnight for free. Our adventure continue.


Amazing Fall Day

Today was a amazing fall day, The colors on the trees are brilliant, I got my last good bike ride in before we hit the road. My #2 Son went with me.

Lady P_ J.Ivyleaves

Son #2Lady P

Bike Ridejimmy


Twist Board

The Twist Board has a  lots of health benefits – It can strengthen the abdomen, lower back muscles, the thigh and calf muscles, these are things we lose as we age if we don’t exercise, It will also help with balance .The is a great exercise.   More Info Click Here


Enjoying Life

We got out and had a amazing ride. I’m so glad I can pull the clutch in now. Life is what you make of it, Get out and enjoy life.

Lady P. and Doris Doris and Lacy Kankakee River Lacy and Lady P.
