Fall Backyard Garden

Harvesting the last of my backyard garden, fall is here and it is getting cold down to the 40’s at night.
I have been eating out of my garden all summer and I thought it would be great just to eat from my food storage for the next 3 to 4 months.

Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…


Getting The Garden Ready For The Winter #2

I’m still getting the garden ready for winter ever week I try to get something harvest and the area cleared and ready for winter. It looks like we might have an early winter, so I think it’s time for me to move a little faster on getting things done.

Music: Strollin’ – Track Tribe
Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=…


We Got A Shed

This week I have been dehydrating my harvest for the winter I find this take up a lot less space. also, we got our shed for the backyard after 11 mouths, the men that brought the shed were amazing.

Music: A quiet Thought – YouTube Audio Library
BoogieBounce – YouTube Audio Library

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Azure Standard https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=.
