A must see video

If you have talk to you know how I hate all the plastic being used today especially in out food and water. Please watch this video and share it with everyone you know the only way it will stop is if we stop buying thing with plastic.


Planting Has Started In My Backyard Garden

This week I started to plant in my backyard garden, I think the weather is warm enough to get started I also got some drone shot of the garden, thing are moving along but I still have a lot of planted to do.

Music: Everything has a beginning

By: Joel Cummins

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Planting Fig Tree _ Hemp Milk

I have had a Chicago fig tree for three years and it had gotten to tall for the garage door so we are going to plant it in the ground also I making hemp milk.

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Garden work update#2

I have been working on a section of my garden for two weeks and I have just completed it and I wanted to share it with you and talk a little about Rhubarb. thanks for watching, have a great day.

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Backyard Garden Work and Teff for Breakfast

I have been working on the backyard garden for a few weeks, It’s getting close to planning time and the weather have slowed me down it’s been too hot or too cold to work outside. I have been doing a lot in the kitchen and I wanted to show you how I make my Teff Porridge.

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Seed Storage And More

I have been putting off organizing my seed for a while. I order a container to put the seeds in. I put them in category and put them in the plastic container I order. I wanted to share it with you. Also I make cashew yogurt for the first time.

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Backyard Garden Fence

In the fall the deer was eating my elderberry bushes and we put a fence around them and now it was time to fix it right. The weather has been so bad I did not get as much done as I wanted to. however I wanted to share my progress.

Music: Hey -There By: half cool
& Little Samba – Quin…

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A Coffee Substitute_ Great on a cold day

I use a lot of dates and I didn’t know you could use the seeds as a coffee substitute I tried it and I like it better then coffee and no caffeine and mort healthier than coffee.

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