What I have been doing ?

I’m trying to find thing to do with all the sourdough starter discard and this week I my crackers out of the discard and they were amazing. also giving you an update on what I’m growing in the basement how my apple vinegar turn out.


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Are Plastic Killing Us Slowly?

I get so upset when I see all the plastic being used and I just wanted to bring it to the attention of anyone watching this video, because it seems like we are using more and more plastic every year, and it’s getting into out body and that is not good for us or the environment. Please share this video and think about what you can do to stop using so much plastic. Peace & Love

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Do We Know What We Are Eating? #food #glyphosate

Since I am having problems with my gut. I have been searching for thing I can do to get better; I have found out there are a lot of things in our food that is doing damage to our good bacteria in out stomach and out gut had a large part to do with our body functioning properly.
The primary component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, glyphosate, is acknowledged as the most commonly used weed killer in the world. The fact that farmers also apply glyphosate to crops like wheat, oats, edible beans, and other crops just before harvest raises questions about whether the herbicide may contaminate food items. #glyphosate #food #health


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A true unboxing of my Mockmill 100

I have watch so many videos of people up boxing the mockmill but no one prepared me for the unboxing it was so hard getting it out the box and putting the miller back together was a different story and running the rice through I was ready to pull my hair out, but I got it done and I am loving my miller. I hope you enjoyed the video. Peace & Love


Music: Little Samba By: Quincas Moreira

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Why I’m Learning To Make Bread _ Azure Standard Grains

I was told I had acid reflux in November, and I have been trying to get it under control and working on my gut, it’s my number one priority and getting enough fiber to feed my good bacteria in my gut, most of the bread you buy had things in it I don’t want to eat and no fiber so, I’m learning to make my bread and starter. I have been having so much fun. Peace & Love

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I Don’t Take Apple Cider Vinegar For My Acid Reflux #acidreflux #applecidervinegar

I have been trying to get my acid reflux under control and everyone was telling me to take apple cider vinegar before I eat and this would help This didn’t work for me because my stomach was so irritated the vinegar made it worse, I am eating alkaline foods and I have been feeling much better this is for 28 days and I will try the vinegar again because I need to increase the acid in my stomach.


Physiotherapy Reflux Exercises to STOP Heartburn | Breathing Exercises proven to REDUCE ACID REFLUX https://youtu.be/XUty6UI8RsE

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What Happen To My Elderberries/ Garden Update

The weather here has gotten cold, and I still have work to do in my backyard garden. I notices the all the ends of my elderberries had been bitten off and one evening at dust I seen three deer in the yard. We put a fence around the elderberries so the deer would not eat anymore of the plants. Also, I give you a little update on the garden.

Music: Dove Love By: Quincas morei…

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Acid Reflux 5 Thing That Help Me

After the acid reflux diagnosis and reading about the medication. I started to find that this could be controlled by diet and lifestyle. I have made some changes, and they seem to be working. I want to share five things that have helped me. I hope this helps someone #acidreflux #gastricproblem

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Why And What I eat In A Day With Acid Reflux

I am on a journey to control my acid reflux with diet and lifestyle changes.I have been watching videos and reading the book ‘ The Acid watcher Diet”. by Jonathan Aviv M.D. I have watched the PH of foods that I am eating, I eat foods that are low in acid and I am feeling much better. #reflux #gastricproblem #healthcare

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Dying To See The Doctor, Literally

I have been trying to get medical care for my stomach and to get in to see a doctor or test is taking a long time, I would like to know if anyone else is having this problem.

Music: Avocado Street By Wes Hutchinson

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